T: 0800 043 2294 E: enquiries@hallfp.co.uk
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How we are paid

On receiving an enquiry, Hall Financial Planning LLP will arrange an initial meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to find out whether we can help you in achieving or moving towards your financial goals. There is no charge for this and no obligation on either side.

How we are paid

On receiving an enquiry, Hall Financial Planning LLP will arrange an initial meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to find out whether we can help you in achieving or moving towards your financial goals. There is no charge for this and no obligation on either side.

After the initial consultation, we will discuss payment options to cover the costs of our services and will not charge anything until an agreement in writing has been reached.

Certain products – non-investment insurance policies and mortgages – can still pay a commission, and so we may work on the basis of a commission, a fee or a combination of both. As before, no costs are incurred without prior agreement, and all prospective earnings are disclosed before work is undertaken.

Fees may be subject to VAT at the prevailing rate, depending upon the type of work undertaken.

call us now

Call us now on
0800 043 2294

email enquiries@hallfp.co.uk
